Friday, July 11, 2014

Steering Committee

Dr. Veronica Hunnicutt has spent more than 44 years as a teacher and an administrator with various public school systems. She has worked for San Francisco Unified School District, City College of San Francisco, and other institutions of higher learning. Additionally, she has served on many boards, including the Center for Public Education, the Bayview YMCA, the O.M.I. Community Association, the San Francisco Mental Health Association, the Opportunity Industrialization Center (O.I.C.), and Communities in Schools (CIS). Active in the community for years, Dr. Hunnicutt has been a Commissioner on both the Commission on the Status of Women and on the San Francisco Housing Authority Commission.  She presently serves as Chair of the Citizens' Advisory Committee for the Shipyard, as a Board member of the Democratic Women in Action (DWIA), and as a Vice President of the Willie B. Kennedy Democratic Club. She earned her degrees from City College of San Francisco (A.A. degree), from the University of San Francisco (B.S. and teaching credential), from CSU San Francisco State University (M.A.) , and from the University of San Francisco (Ed.D.). Dr. Hunnicutt has received many awards for her innovative educational programs and for her community service. She is the Executive Director of Hunnicutt Consultants, and she attends Glad Tidings Church. She believes that people who want to help students should "Love and serve all people regardless of who they are and assist them with respect and the highest regard."
After 24 successful years as a SFUSD school administrator.

Vincent S. Chao is now an international consultant for Education & Community Development. Brown University : B.A.   University of Paris La Sorbonne : M.A.   SF State University : Teaching Credential.   USF : Administrative Credential. Citizens Committee on Community Development ( member & chair, 10 years ).  CADC Exec. Committee ( 18 years ). DCCC ( 4 years ).  DSCC ( 4 years ). Visitacion Valley Community Development Foundation ( director, 6 years ).  Mission Neighborhood Centers Inc ( Treasurer, 20 years ). SF Senators ( director, 3 years ). Vincent's son Max attended Rooftop, Hoover, Lowell and UC Santa Cruz.
Victor Seeto is a native San Franciscan who was educated through the public schools. He has degrees in engineering and social work. His only child was an “overachieving” student ultimately becoming a Ivy League graduate. Victor appreciates the importance of hard work and drive to achieve success. Quality teachers and supportive parents are important elements that lead to greatness. 

Ronald Thompson is a social entrepreneur and executive with more than 25 years’ experience working with and for nonprofit organizations, public and private schools, and upstart technology companies. He has served on various boards, been involved in various stages of funding for companies, and effectively blended best practices in both the corporate and nonprofit realms.  He is now the CEO of MHI-Momentum Holdings Inc. and the incoming president of the Presidio Middle School PTSA.  His educational background includes a BS degree in computer science from Westchester University of Virginia.  Ronald firmly believes that all children, from kindergarten through college, have the right to full and comprehensive access to education.  

Tim Schmitz grew up in San Francisco and graduated from Aptos Middle School and Lowell High School and got an AA in Fashion Merchandising from CCSF.  He was a single father and raised a daughter to graduate from Gateway and recently, from Biola University.  Tim believes San Francisco is a rich and world class City and can do much more to provide a great education and opportunity to all children and should raise the priroity of public education and pub more general fund money into our schools, particularly for our most vulnerable children.
Lotta Bystrom immigrated to the U.S. from Sweden and is an important member of the San Francisco Swedish Chamber of Commerce.  She raised two children and currently has a daughter at Presidio Middle School.  Her eldest graduated from Alamo, Presidio and Lowell and has graduated from college.  

Michael Soncuya – Treasurer was born and raised in San Francisco, Mike is a native San Franciscan raised in the Outer Richmond district, he attended Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep, and graduated from San Francisco State University with a Political Science degree and an International Relations minor. Mike has worked on numerous political campaigns, ranging from the 2011 Mayor Ed Lee mayoral campaign to Supervisor Malia Cohen supervisorial campaign to SF DCCC seat elections. His capacity ranged from field director, communications and community outreach representative and policy analyst. He is currently working in the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission in the Contract Administration Bureau and his main passion is to empower parents and their children through education and political outreach to local government officials and politicians.

Justin Van Zandt grew up in San Francisco and graduated from Rooftop, Hoover, Lowell and UC Berkeley (Sociology).  He has long been a strong advocate for public education and has two children at Lowell High School, one at Presidio Middle School and two at Alamo Elementary.  He is a member of three PTAs serving as membership coordinator and is in several political clubs including the LDC and CADC.  He has been involved in many educational issues and believes all children can succeed in school with the right support, effort, discipline, priority, and opportunity and much more effort needs to be made to close the achievement gap and bring academic success to all children regardless of economic circumstances.


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